(save as .php)
The script has five variables that need to be adjusted.
#1 The url of the cpanel server, you can usually use your domain here.
$dyndnsCpanel = '';
#2 username and password used to login to cpanel
$dyndnsCpanelUser = 'yourcpanelusername';
$dyndnsCpanelPass = 'youcpanelpassword';
#3 the main domain name of the account on cpanel
$dyndnsDomain = '';
#4 the record that you would like to update
$hostname = "";
Next you will need to set a cronjob to run the php script on a timed interval. To do this, you will need to note where php is located on your system with the "whereis" command.
root@pi:~# whereis php
php: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/php /usr/share/man/man1/php.1.gz
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /root/dyndns.php 2>&1
The above cron entry will run every five minutes (*/5 * * * *). /usr/bin/php and /root/dyndns.php need to be changed based on your own system locations.Lastly test to see if the cronjob works.
root@pi:~# /usr/bin/php /root/dyndns.php