Install or Upgrade Plex Media Server on CentOS 7 Print

  • CentOS 7
  • 391

Plex is one of our favorite pieces of software. Installing Plex Media Server on CentOS 7 is an easy process.

We will start by making sure that our system is up to date and that we have wget installed.

# yum -y update && yum -y install wget

Now we can download the Plex install package to the server using the command below. The URL in this command was latest version as of December 29th, 2018. You can obtain the most recent installer download link from
The following three steps can also be used to update Plex to the latest version.

# rm -f plexmediaserver*

# wget

Next use yum to install the package.

# yum -y install plexmediaserver*.rpm

After the package has finished installing, we can start the plex service.

# systemctl restart plexmediaserver.service

Now you should be able to access with your web browser. Be sure to replace the IP in bold with your servers actual IP address.

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